Prime linked and risk based.
The purpose of the poultry production loan is to provide finance to poultry producers to enable them to meet the expenses related to raising poultry birds in order to attain the desired levels of performance. Such activities include purchase of chicks, poultry house construction, purchase of feeds, veterinary expenses and labor.
Financing for start ups allowed but subject to experience and eligibility. More focus should be those already in business of raising poultry. However, expansion on on-going business will be considered.
Based on certainty of repayment source. Positive free cash flow and DSCR.
Agricultural loan officer Farm Visit report .Minimum of one years’ experience in poultry production. Collateral required. Account with LPB. 3 months’ bank statement. Proof of ID/Passport. Map to the client’s residential place: rented and owned .
Maturity of poultry loan shall depend on applicant request but should not exceed 12 months. Working capital loan granted to broiler production shall not exceed 6 months. Working capital loan granted to egg rearing production shall mature in 12 months. Minimum loan amount M1k while max is M3 million. Prime-linked. Payment mode dependent on cash flow. As a general rule poultry instalment must be paid monthly as much as possible. Grace period and other form of irregular payment is allowed where deemed necessary.